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Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts

Jul 27, 2012

Best Way to Get an Adsense Account

Adsense is one  of the best ways to earn money from your blog or website. Google places ads on your blog or website and you'll get paid either clicks or impressions basis. These days getting an adsense account is a bit difficult. Your blog or website must abide by lot of rules in order to get an adsense approval.

But there is another way to get an adsense account that is through youtube. Create an youtube channel with your google account and upload videos originally created by you. If you have a large fan base in social sites like facebook, twitter and Google+, share your youtube videos in your social pages to get good amount video views and youtube channel subscribers.

Then either youtube welcomes you for monetizing your videos youtube content partnership program or go to youtube channel settings and left side you can see monetization tab as shown in below pic, click on it fill the form and submit. 

Youtube Partner Program
Once you submit your application youtube verifies your youtube channel and checks for any copyright infringements. If everything is ok youtube sends invitation to content partnership program then after filling certain forms within a week your adsense account will get activated which you can use for placing ads on your blog or website.

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1. Youtube Monetization
2. Getting Adsense Approval

May 12, 2012

Adsense for Search

With google custom search it is easier for visitor to search your website content or entire web right from your website or blog. In addition to search publisher can also earn through adsense for search. To know how to add custom search box to your site click here. 

Steps for enabling adsense for google custom search:

google adsense1. Go to google custom search and login with your google account.
2. Click on manage existing custom search engines and click on control panel.
3. Under control panel and click on make money.
4. If you don't have adsense account create new account and if you already have an adsense account connect that aacount.
5. Now login to your adsense account and create custom channel for your ads.
6. Provide that channel name in make money tab under custom search control panel.
7. Ads will be relevant to the search query.
8. Publisher will only get paid whenever visitor clicks on ad in search results.

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1. Adsense for Feeds.
2. Optimize google adsense.
3. Custom Search box for Your Blog or Website.
4. Add Email Subscription to Your Blog or Website.
5. Create Rss Feeds for Your Website or Blog.

May 8, 2012

Adsense for Feeds

With Adsense for feeds publishers can earn by placing targeted google ads in their feeds. You can be paid either click or impression basis. Ads may be contextual basis or advertiser targeted feed basis. Publisher can control the frequency and appearance of the ads.
google adsense for feeds
You don't need to paste any ad codes in your feeds. Google will place ads based on your feed. Login to your google adsense account and under adsense setup tab select adsense for feeds. Then automatically your feed will be named and properly sized. Select your ad type, frequency and post length, etc. Add a channel and select a feed in which you want to place ads or burn a new feed and save changes. That's it google adsense powered feed is ready.

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1. What is Google Adsense?
2. How Google Adsense Works?
3. Getting Adsense Approval
4. Optimize google Adsense
5. Adsense for Search

May 7, 2012

Optimize Google Adsense

google adsense ad unitsGoogle Adsense Optimization Tips

1. If you want to monetize your website place ads where visitors notice the ads.
2. Best performing ad units are 160x600, 336x280 For text ads 336x380 and 330x250 is also a better option. For sidebar go for 160x600.
3. Based on your website layout place ads in the middle or above fold of your website.
4. Based on your website theme use contrast colours to google ads.
5. Place a custom search box on your website and earn through google adsense for search.
6. Create Feeds for your website, add email subscription to feeds and earn through adsense for feeds. 
7. Place ads at the bottom of feeds to grab the attention of subscribers.
8. Use adsense sandox for sample contextual and geo-targeted ads.
9. Place quality images, sometimes you may get traffic from image search too.
10. Attract advertisers with good website layout and quality content.

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May 3, 2012

Getting Adsense Approval

Everyone wants to make money online through their blog or website. Most of them wants to earn through google adsense program because google is reputed company and offers market's best CPCs. Most of the cases google disapproves your application for google adsense.

Reasons for Adsense disapproval:

    google adsense
  1. Copy violation
  2. Not enough content
  3. Not an Valuable Alexa rank
  4. Poor google page rank.
  5. Adding more publisher ads while applying for Adsense
  6. Not six month Older
  7. Invalid clicks
  8. Promoting hits by your Friends

Getting Adsense Approval
1. website url should be top level domain because users always show interest in visiting top level domain like .com instead a sub-domain.

2. Your blog or website should be atleast 6 months older and should be active.

3. Make sure that your website/blog has atleast 50 articles.

4. Website or blog content should be original and good.

4. Apply search engine optimization to increase your website traffic because your website traffic is directly proportional to your adsense approval rate.

5. Check your site's social standing like how often your pages are being shared on social sites.

6. Website deisgn should be simple and easy to navigate. Add social buttons to your site.

7. If your adsense application is disapproved google provide the reason for disapproval try to resolve that problem and resubmit application.

8. Provide sitemap to users and submit your sitemap to search engines webmasters for better crawling by search engines.

9. Fill adsense application carefully. Don't ignore terms and conditions of google adsense.

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1. What is Google Adsense?
2. How Google Adsense Works?
3. Optimize Google Adsense
4. Adsense for Feeds
5. What is an Affiliate Program?

Apr 21, 2012

How Google Adsense works?

Do you own a content rich website and planning to monetize your website? Then Google Adsense is the best way to generate revenue from your website. 

google adsense

How Google Adsense works?

Google Adsense allows publishers(website owners) place different ads on their websites and generate revenue on either per click or per impression basis. Ads may be text or image or rich media adverts. Google Adsense is a contextual ad program.

First you need to have an adsense account. Login with your google account and provide details like your website url, your address, phone number. Then submit your application for review. Then if your application is partially verified then you'll receive confirmation mail. Now go to adsense account and get ad codes and place that code in your website.

Initially you'll see blank ads. Then google crawls into your website and sees whether your site has monetizable content or not. Once full review has been done you will receive confirmation mail from google. From now your ads will be live. You will be paid when any visitor clicks on the ad or if your ad has got some number of impressions.

When full verification completed you'll receive a pin from google. Then you will receive call from google where you need to enter the pin in order to authorize you as adsense account owner. In order to receive our earning you'll set a threshold limit. You may receive payment as cheque or electronic transfer.

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1. What is Google Adsense?
2. Getting Adsense Approval
3. Optimize Google Adsense
4. Adsense for Feeds
5. Youtube Monetization

Apr 3, 2012

What is Google Adsense?

In past companies used to advertise their products through print media and electronic media. Now a days scope of internet has increased tremendously that's why companies moved to web based advertising by placing ads in websites and blogs. Those who want advertise through google advertisement system should enrol with Adwords 

What is adsense ?
Adsense is a program run by google that allows publishers or website owners to generate revenue online. Ad may be text or image or video. These adverts are maintained by google.
Google takes care about the type of ads that should be placed on the website.

Many websites use adsense to monetize their content particularly small websites which don't have any resources to develop advertising programs and sales people to generate revenue. Google displays ads that are content specific. Google places html code of adsense on websites. Websites that are content rich are very successful with adsense.

Types of Adsense
1. Feeds 
If your website has RSS or Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. Google places ads in appropriate article in the form of image.  When user clicks on the image he/she will be redirected to that particular website.

2. Search
Google Places a custom search button on the website. When users search in the search box. 51% of revenue generated from the search is shared to website owner.

3. Mobile
If you have mobile site you can monetize through adsense for mobile instead of java scripts google uses PHP or ASP for mobile adsense.

4. Domains
Adsense for domains helps website owners to monetize their domain names that haven't developed yet. They are unused or dormant domains.

5. Video
Adsense for video helps publishers to monetize their videos by placing ads between the videos. When user clicks on the ads publisher will get paid.

The publishers or website owners get paid in different ways.
1. CPC (cost per click)
When user clicks on ads on website then website owner will get paid. How much the publisher get paid depends on how much google gets from that ad through adwords campaign.

2. CPM (Cost Per Mile)
The website owner will get paid if particular ad gets 1000 views.

Next question is when can you withdraw your earnings? 
Website owner can withdraw his/her earnings after reaching a threshold limit which depends on reporting currency and tax implications.

google adsense thresholds

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1. How Google Adsense Works?
2. Getting Adsense Approval
3. Optimizing Google Adsense
4. Adsense for Feeds
5. Youtube Monetization