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Jun 3, 2012

Increase Your PC's Performance with Few Tips

These days almost everyone has their own personal computer or notebook. How many of those maintaining their PC in a well manner? May be few. There are few things which you need to address in order to maintain your PC performance.

Tips to increase PC's performance:

Slow PC1. Maintain optimal brightness to increase life span of your notebook's battery.
2. Do not keep more icons or shortcuts on your desktop screen because too many icons may create too many address references.
3. Keep your data organized. 
4. Delete temporary files. (windows key+R and type temp enter and delete all temp files).
5. Uninstall softwares which you don't need anymore.
6. Use softwares like Tuneup Utilities to maintain your PC's performance.
7. Use Anti-Virus cum Anti-Spam software and update them frequently.
8. If you are using windows 7 or 8 schedule automatic maintenance.
9. Install all softwares' and OS updates because updates contain new features and some bug fixes to previous version.
10. If you are using notebook or netbook plugin the charger when the charge is almost nil and unplug the charger when it is fully charged. Do not keep charging continuously because it may decrease battery's life span.

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1 comment:

  1. Increasing the speed of our computer is quite simple, because there are lots of good maintenance software, which can help us keeping them in good working condition. Personally, I would recommend an antivirus like Avast, CCleaner and Malwarebytes... having these on our devices, we will skip some problems.


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